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Layers of wellness

write more about why inhabit art <3







in - Habit - ART at every scale

Green Indoors


"the range of measures that use plant or soil systems, permeable pavement or other permeable surfaces or substrates, stormwater harvest and reuse, or landscaping to store, infiltrate, or evapotranspirate stormwater and reduce flows to sewer systems or to surface waters." 

A Walk in the Park

Pocket Parks

A pocket park is a small park accessible to the general public. Pocket parks are frequently created on small, irregular pieces of land, in vacant building lots, along the centers of broad avenues, or even in parking spots.

THE Space

A co-work Co-op for creatives :)

Wellness Homes

Since cities inevitably will continue to densify, it is important to understand what are the key principles that lead to livability and subsequently sustainability. 

Applying them to every scale. Grassroots begins at home.

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